Dancers who have so far been identified in the entire body of footage, not just in the beach scenes:
Alberto Alonso
Irina Baronova
Boris Belsky (Bobbie Bell)
Anton Dolin
Helen Kirsova
Tatiana Leskova
Serge Lifar
Ludmila Lvova (Betty Low)
Vera Nelidova (Betty Tweddle)
Sono Osato
Paul Petrov
Tatiana Riabouchinska
Milos Ristic
Tamara Tchinarova
Tamara Toumanova
Anna Volkova
Leon Woizikovsky

There is a quite extraordinary male dancer who appears on the beach and in the bush but strangely no one has given a name to him yet.

There are filmed scenes from stage performances including excerpts from the following ballets:
Le Beau Danube
La Boutique Fantasque
Les Femmes de Bonne Humeur
Jeux des Enfants
Le Mariage d’Aurore
Les Presages

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